Technical Session 1: Welcome, Introductions and Invited Speakers
Chair: Mark Hinton, Branlow Piling Solutions, UK
- Welcomes - Local Organizing Committee, Mark Hinton, Branlow Piling Solutions, U.K.
- Welcomes - ISM Chairman Dr. Jouko Lehtonen, Turku University of Applied Sciences, Finland
- Welcomes - Dr. Fedele Lizzi, representing Dr. Fernando Lizzi Family
- 5th Lizzi Lecture: Micropiles in Middle Age: Triumphs, Failures and Challenges, Dr. Donald A. Bruce, Geosystems, L.P., U.S.A.
- Geology and Micropiling in the U.K., Michael Turner, Applied Geotechnical Engineering Ltd., U.K.
- 4th Lizzi Scholarship Recipient: Micropiles – The Green Choice, James Amos, Balfour Beatty Ground Engineering, U.K.
- International Society for Micropiles 2007 Workshop – Reflections from Toronto, Nadir Ansari, Isherwood Associates, Canada
Technical Session 2: Design and Research & Development (1)
Chair: Allen Cadden, Schnabel Engineering, USA
- New Database for Drilled and Grouted Micropiles to Estimate Displacements, Ernst Ishebeck, Friedr. Ischebeck GmbH, Germany
- Efficient Design of Vertical Micropiles to Lateral Loading, Dr. Jesús Gómez, Schnabel Engineering, USA
- Some Lessons Learnt from the French National Research Project on Micropiles, Dr. Roger Frank, Ecole des Ponts Paris Tech, CERMES, France
Technical Session 3: Innovations in Materials and Practices
Chair: Dr. Jouko Lehtonen, Turku University of Applied Sciences, Finland
- DSI - Ductile Iron Micropile, Florian Stuetzel, Dywidag-Systems International, Germany
- Video Inspection of Micropile Rock Sockets in New York City, Larry Johnsen, Heller and Johnsen, USA
- The Use of Post-Grouting Systems for Micropiles, Chris Irvin, Dywidag-Systems International, U.K.
- Assessment of Existing Foundations and Foundation Improvement using Micropile Groups, L. Begaj Qerimi, Skanska, U.K.
- Development of New Micropiling Method Enhancing Frictional Resistance with Geotextile Pack and Full Scale Load Tests for Micropiles, Changho Choi, Korea Institute of Construction Technology, Korea
Technical Session 4: Design, Construction and Testing
Chair: Ernst Ischebeck, Fried. Ischebeck GmbH, Germany
- U.K. Micropiling Practice - Selected Case Studies, Mark Hinton, Branlow Piling Solutions, U.K.
- Post-Underpinning Settlement of Micropile Underpinning Projects in Turku, Dr. Jouko Lehtonen, Turku University of Applied Sciences, Finland
- Continuous Grout Flushed Micropile Foundations for a New Rail Overpass, Jim Bruce, Geo-Foundations Contractors, Canada
- Alternative Solution for Drilled Micropiles for the Portimao Municipal Museum, José Matos e Silva, ISEL- Lisbon Technical University, Portugal
Technical Session 5: Design and R&D (2)
Chair: Dr. Roger Frank, Ecole des Ponts Paris Tech, CERMES, France
- Bond Strength of Micropile/Grout/Concrete Interfaces in RC Footings Strengthened with Micropiles, João Veludo, Polytechnic University of Leiria, Portugal
- ADSC-DFI Micropile Committee – Recent Activities, Dan MacLean, CON-TECH Systems, Ltd., Canada
- Note to Actual Design of Micropiles Under Axial Cyclic Loading in Germany According to DIN 1054:2005-01 and Further Guidelines, Jennifer Kleih, Zentrum Geotechnik Technical University at Munich, Germany
- Research Projects on Micropile Networks at City University, Alexis Rose, City University, U.K.
- Long-term Performance Assessment of Micropiles under Monotonic and Cyclic Axial Loading, Dr. G. Mitchell Weinstein, Polytechnic Institute of NYU, USA
Technical Session 6: Urban Works
Chair: Michael Turner, Applied Geotechnical Engineering Ltd., U.K.
- A Case Study of Micropiling in the Urban Environment, Jaehyeung Jeoung, Korea Institute of Construction Technology, Korea
- Part 1 - Static Load Testing of Piles in Restricted Access - An Opportunity for Change, Stuart Bradshaw, Terrain Geotechnical Consultants, Ltd., U.K.
- High Capacity Micropile Groups for the Cannon Place Redevelopment in London, Jim Martin, Byland Engineering Ltd., U.K. and Hugh St. John, Geotechnical Consulting Group, U.K.
- Mixed Foundations Utilising Micropiles in Urban Redevelopments, Mike Turner, Applied Geotechnical Engineering, Ltd., U.K.
- Duration of Micropile Underpinning Projects in Turku, Dr. Jouko Lehtonen, Turku University of Applied Science, Finland
Technical Session 7: Load Testing (1)
Chair: Prof. Erik Loehr, Univ. of Missouri Columbia, U.S.A.
- Pile Loading Tests of Titan Injection Micropiles at an Industrial Plant in North Vancouver, Bill Telford, GeoPacific Consultants, Ltd., Canada
- In Situ Test of Steel Core Micropiles in Limestone Bedrock in Sweden, Wilhelm Rankka, WSP Sveige AB, Sweden
- Pseudo-Elastic Response and Performance of Micropiles, Dr. Terence Holman, Moretrench American Corporation, USA
- Part 2 - Static Load Testing of Piles in Restricted Areas - An Opportunity for Change, Stuart Bradshaw, Terrain Geotechnical Consultants, Ltd., U.K.
Technical Session 8: Load Testing 2
Chair: Nadir Ansari, Isherwood Associates, Canada
- Static “Micro” Micropile Load Capacity and Verification by Dynamic Load Testing, Glen Mann, Creative Engineering Opportunities, USA
- A Decade of Micropile Load Hold Capacity Across Western Canada, Cory Yacyshyn, North American Construction Group, Canada
- Self-Drilled Hollow Bar Micropiles – Applications, Corrosion Protection and Specialist Measures Required for Load Testing, Chris Irvin, Dywidag-Systems International, U.K.
- Analysis of ISM 2009 Workshop Attendance, Nadir Ansari, Isherwood Associates, Canada
Technical Session 9: Difficult and Unusual Loading Conditions
Chair: Dr. Donald Bruce, Geosystems, L.P., USA
- Drilled Micropiles – Design and Practice in France, Andre Jaubertou, Soletanche-Bachy, France
- Design, Inspection and Construction Challenges of Installing Micropiles in Karst Terrain, Shad Hoover, CMT Laboratories, Inc., USA
- Stabilizing the Devil Slide with Hollow Bar, Grout Injection Bored (IBO) Micropiles for Caltrans, Horst Aschenbroich, CON-TECH Systems, Canada
- Support of an Excavation Face with Micropiles, Jerold Bishop, Geotechnical Design Systems, Inc., USA