Technical Session 1: Welcome, Introductions and Invited Speakers

Chair: Mark Hinton, Branlow Piling Solutions, UK

Technical Session 2: Design and Research & Development (1)

Chair: Allen Cadden, Schnabel Engineering, USA

Technical Session 3: Innovations in Materials and Practices

Chair: Dr. Jouko Lehtonen, Turku University of Applied Sciences, Finland

Technical Session 4: Design, Construction and Testing

Chair: Ernst Ischebeck, Fried. Ischebeck GmbH, Germany

Technical Session 5: Design and R&D (2)

Chair: Dr. Roger Frank, Ecole des Ponts Paris Tech, CERMES, France

Technical Session 6: Urban Works

Chair: Michael Turner, Applied Geotechnical Engineering Ltd., U.K.

Technical Session 7: Load Testing (1)

Chair: Prof. Erik Loehr, Univ. of Missouri Columbia, U.S.A.

Technical Session 8: Load Testing 2

Chair: Nadir Ansari, Isherwood Associates, Canada

Technical Session 9: Difficult and Unusual Loading Conditions

Chair: Dr. Donald Bruce, Geosystems, L.P., USA

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