Session 1: Lectures
- Lizzi Lecture: Loading Effects on Battered Micropiles: Are Most Pile Caps Designed Correctly?
John Wolosick, P.E., D.GE, Hayward Baker, Inc., USA - Lizzi Scholarship Lecture: Lateral Performance of Hollow Bar Micropiles in Cohesionless Soil
Maged Abdlrahem, Ph.D., Candidate in Geotechnical Engineering, Western University, Canada
Session 2: World Cup Presentations
- North America: Blue Lake Hydroelectric Expansion
Nick Salisbury, Crux Subsurface, Inc., USA - South and Central America: Alluvial Anker as Alternative of Foundation in Tropical Soils
Cristhian Mendoza, Universidad los Andes, Colombia - Europe: Sophisticated Micropile Foundation in Alpine
Andreas Bradner, Dipl.-Ing., IB-Brandner, Austria - Australasia: Life Extension of 132kV Lattice Tower Foundations - Townsville
Allan Herse, PCA Contracting, Australia
Session 3: Micropiles: Resisting and Remediating the Effects of Mother Nature
- Risk Mitigation for Micropile Foundations in Karstic Terrain
Allen Cadden, P.E., D.GE, Schnabel Engineering, USA - Use of High Capacity Micropiles to Resist Seismic Overturning of Columns
Peter Speier, P.E., Williams Form Engineering, USA - Micropile Solutions for Construction of SAS Span of the new San Francisco-Oakland Bay Bridge
Alex Sy, Ph.D., P.Eng., Klohn Crippen, Canada - A Post-Tensioned Micro Pile Foundation System with Groutable Void Forms (GVF)
Horst Aschenbroich, Dipl.-Ing., Con-Tech Systems, Canada
Session 4: Case Histories
- Renovation of an old sales center for additional underground parking
Guanglei Liu, Ph.D., C.Eng., Huafan University, Taiwan - Micropiles used as deep foundation support of an existing building at the Rita Hollings Science Center on the College of Charleston Campus, Charleston, SC
Bill Snow, Palmetto Gunite, USA - Stabilization of the Nykoping's Riverbank with Micropile-walls
Alejandro Vazquez, Zueblin, Germany - International Market Place
John Wolosick, P.E., D.GE, Hayward Baker, Inc., USA - CN Grimsby Subdivision, ON, Canada - remedial slope stabilization realized via construction of a lightly reinforced case 1 micropile wall
Nadir Ansari, P.Eng., D.GE, M.ASCE, Isherwood Associates, Canada - Historical La Loma Bridge Reconstruction Project
Casey Garneau, Malcolm Drilling, USA - A Review of Micropiles Beneficial Aspects through a Case Histroy near False Creek, Canada
Mohammad Deriszadeh, M.Sc, Ph.D., Geopacific Consultants, Canada - Heritage Façade Support and Excavation Shoring - A micropile Case History
Mark Spence, P.Eng., Isherwood Associates, Canada - Case Study of an Uplift Reinforcement Project - Edificio Las Heras - Concepcion, Chile
Freddy Lopez, MS Eng., Ischebeck, Chile - Micropiles Counter Unbalanced Loading During Partial Building Demolition
Allen Cadden, P.E., D.GE, Schnabel Engineering, USA for Helen Robinson, P.E.
Session 5: Innovations Part 1
- Recent Advances in Overburden and Down the Hole Drilling Techniques
Donald Bruce, Ph.D., D.GE, C.Eng., L.G., L.E.G., GEOSYSTEMS, L.P., USA - Deep Resonant Micro Piling for Netherlands Grade Separation
Matthew Janes, P.Eng., M.E.Sc., MBA, Resonance Technology International, Inc., Canada - Kit for hollow-bar drilled and grouted Micropiles and Soil Nailing Meaning and Misuse of the CE-Mark
Bjorn Ischebeck, Dipl. Wi. Ing., Ischebeck, Germany - 33 Congress Square, Boston, MA - Case History
Tony Barila, P.E. and John McKinnon, Hub Foundation, USA
Session 6: Design & Load Testing
- Statnamic Testing on 16" Micropile
Paul Axtell, P.E., D.GE, Dan Brown and Associates, USA - Micropile QA/QC Testing Using Thermal Profiling
Thomas Smoak and Will Snow, Terracon Consultants, USA for Bill Wright, P.E. - Micropile Design and Construction in Limited Access Wetland Habitat
Nick Salisbury and Steve Davidow, Crux Subsurface, USA
Session 7: Experts of the World Panel Discussion
- Panel Discussion and Webinar
Moderated by Dan MacLean, P.Eng., Geo-Foundations Contractors, Inc. and Mary Ellen Bruce Large, P.E., D.GE, DFI | Panelists: Donald Bruce, USA; John Wolosick, USA; Nadir Ansari, Canada; Bjorn Ischebeck, Germany and Paul Woodfield, C.Eng., MI StructE, MICE
Session 8: Breakout
- Reticulated Micropile Publication Database
James Mason, Ph.D., P.E., National Park Service
Session 9: Foundation Support
- Morris Island Lighthouse Repairs utilizing Micropiles for Deep Foundation Support
Bill Snow, Palmetto Gunite, USA - Utilization of Micropiles for the Expansion of BMO Field, Toronto, Ontario
Dan MacLean, P.Eng., Geo-Foundations Contractors, Inc., Canada for Jim Bruce, P.Eng. - Micropiles for Combined Deep Slip and Structural Loading
Allan Herse, PCA Contracting, Australia - Rockefeller University Mini-Caissons
Andrew Burns, P.E. and Michael Quasarano, Posillico, USA
Session 10: Innovations Part 2
- Micropiles Installation using Preventer System to Resist the Influx of Groundwater caused by a High Water Table - Dierra, Dubai
Sean Beirne-Lewis, BSc., MSc., FGS, Ischebeck, UAE - A Case Study on the Construction and Field Loading Test of Waveform Micropile
Young-Eun Jang, Ph.D., University of Science and Technology, South Korea - Micropile Foundations - The Easy Way
Andreas Brandner, Dipl.-Ing., IB-Brandner, Austria - Study of Different Applications Efficiencies and Simulation Models for Micropiles on Slopes
Ching-Jiang Jeng, Huafan Universitym Taiwan - Preloading and Head Connection Method for Micropile
Changho Choi, Ph.D., Research Fellow, Korea Institute of Construction Technology, Geotechnical Engineering Research Division, Korea