Technical Session 1: Welcome

Technical Session 2: World Cup Event
Moderator: Allen Cadden, P.E., D.GE, Schnabel Engineering Inc, USA

Keynote Speaker Lecture - “An Overview of the Deep Foundation Industry in Australia” - Stephen Buttling, B.Eng, Ph.D, CPEng, RPEQ, National Geotechnical Consultants, Australia

Technical Session 3: Safety and Sustainability for Micropiles
Moderator: Sue Frank, TEI Rock Drills, USA

Session 4: Case Histories I
Moderator: Eberhard Heinzemann, Dipl. Ing., GSS Titan Central America, Panama

Session 5: Micropile A-Wall Applications and Numerical Analyses
Moderator: Mary Ellen Bruce Large, P.E., D.GE., Deep Foundations Institute, USA

“Micropile A-Walls - Industry Design and Construction Practices”
Moderator: Helen Robinson, P.E., D.GE, GEI Consultants, USA

Session 6: Value Engineered Micropile Solutions
Moderator: Nadir Ansari, P.Eng., D.GE, Isherwood Geostructural Engineers, Canada

Session 7: Micropile State of Practice
Moderator: Mary Ellen Bruce Large, P.E., D.GE., Deep Foundations Institute, USA

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